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Meet Jay: Jewston's Mensch of the Month!

Carly: Who are you? Where are you from? What do you do for a living?

Jay: My name is Jay Seline. I am 26 years old and was born and raised in the great city of Washington DC aka “The DMV” Currently, I serve as Delegation Head for Houston Maccabi as well as Adult Sports Program Coordinator at the Houston JCC.

Carly: What was your 'Jewish experience' like in college?

Jay: I had a decent Jewish experience in college. I attended a catholic university in San Antonio, so having time in the Jewish community was a necessity for me. Especially, having been the only Jewish kid on a 9k student campus. For undergrad, I was semi-active with Hillel. Then during post-grad, I was very active with the YJP of San Antonio, TribeSA. Having been working with both Men’s and Women’s basketball throughout college, it was tough to make it to most events, however, I was able to be a part of such a close Jewish community through working at Greene Family Camp every summer throughout my college years.

Carly: How has your time in Houston been?

Jay: My time in Houston has been amazing. Having my dad grow up here and the majority of his family here, has been super beneficial to settling in being in Houston. It was a better transition than I originally thought it would be, but I’ve loved being here.

Carly: What has been the biggest surprise about living in Houston?

Jay: I’d say despite having practically grown up in Houston, the biggest surprise has been how close the Jewish community is here. Feels like everyone knows everyone. It’s been a major advantage, especially for my job with Maccabi.

Carly: What do you enjoy most about Jewston events?

Jay: What is there not to enjoy about Jewston events? (Spoiler: you can’t name one thing). Just being able to connect with young professionals who share the same interests and beliefs as me has been another benefit for me being back in Houston. I also love helping people and getting them connected with others. But also, it’s allowed me to connect with my longtime friends that I couldn’t see as much in the past years having been in San Antonio. (Shoutout to my boys Lex Freeman & Daniel Wachsberg; Honorable mention: Jonah Meier)

Carly: Is there anything else you want the Jewston community to know?

Jay: I’m always looking to make new friends and expand my network. With the Maccabi games coming to HTX in 2024, if you or someone you know is interested in volunteering/participating, please let me know and I’d be more than happy to get you involved in some shape or form!

Email Carly ( to nominate your friend to be our next Jewston Mensch of the month!


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